Biophilia means the human's biological love for life and living things.
The lack of nature makes us unhappy, but this love is not only of a good kind, it sometimes results in greed and the need for power, such a strong love that we want to own life itself. This is a sound piece and performance by Jenni Österlund and Michele Uccheddu. It builds on improvisation, communication and our relation to nature.
It is a reflection on our biophilic behavior and the attitude against our environment. In the performance we are interacting with natural material and when creating sounds an electronic system gets triggered and starts generating music related to the sounds we are making.
2020 -Biophilia Performance, Whitebox, Jakobstad
2021 - Biophilia, examination exhibition, Nygårds Verkstad, Jakobstad
2021 - Biophilia performance, Humlefestivalen, Monäs
2021 - Biophilia performance, Jakarte, opening of "shapes and spaces", Jakobstad
2021 - Biophilia Performance, Föusfest New beginnings, Jakobstad
2021 - Biophilia performance, Platform 20 years festival, Vasa
2021 - Biophilia jam, Black sheep pub, Jakobstad
2021 - Biophilia performance, Brigada, Cagliari Sardinien (ITA)
2021 - Biophilia performance, Circolo ARCI , Sant'Antioco Sardinia (ITA)
2022 - Biophilia performance, Miniere Sonore, Oristano (ITA)